viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015


         When the brain rests gives way to new knowledge. The first step for neurons to perform better is more restful sleep.

         Learning through play: When playing, we are more creative, relaxed and generate endorphins. When we relax, we have more confidence and we speak more and better.

         By the time the student loses attention due to fatigue, a change of activity is required: If we show students the outline of an unfinished drawing and we ask them to guess what figure it is, we will be bringing focus back and relaxing neurons.

         Playing sports and walking (30 minutes minimum) is essential to generate endorphins (which feed self-esteem), and the higher the self-esteem, the better the academic performance

         To train our will, a reward for completion of a project, work or class is recommended. But we must try to postpone the reward and wait, which strengthens our will.

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