miércoles, 18 de julio de 2018


Buenos días a tod@s!
La segunda semana se nos ha pasado súper rápida, sin darnos cuenta.

Los chic@s están muy integrados con sus familias de acogida, en la escuela haciendo amig@s nuevos de otras nacionalidades y disfrutando de las actividades.

Está semana hemos ido al Laser Quest, al Oceanarium, a la disco, a Christ Chruch,  a un pueblecito cerca de Westbourne, a la playa, han tenido tiempo libre por Bournemouth y día de excursión completo por Oxford.


El viernes nos despedimos de las chicas que regresaban a Zaragoza.

El domingo fuimos al rocodromo y nos lo pasamos genial. Os dejo unas fotos.

miércoles, 11 de julio de 2018


   We can’t believe it’s our last full day here in Naval... We don’t want to go home yet, we’re having so much fun! 

   Today the morning was like any other morning: English lessons first and free time in the swimming pool afterwards. 

  In the afternoon, we had our final game of baseball, and the Titans were the winners.  

  Finally at night, we went to the Aula Magna and watched a video with all the pictures of the camp. It was very moving; the students loved it. Afterwards, we gave the students their diplomas and finally, we announced the winner of the competition: the Guardians are the winners! 

  However, congratulations to both houses for having done a very good job!


  We can’t believe it’s Monday already! This week has gone so fast! 

  The morning went as usual: English lessons right after breakfast and free time in the swimming pool afterwards. In the afternoon, we divided the students into the two houses and while one house was doing archery for the competition, the other was making bread. 

  The students had a great time making their own pieces of bread, and some were very creative and did awesome shapes with it, such as hearts, turtles, stars etc. 

 We enjoyed ourselves in the swimming pool before dinner time and finally at night, we had our famous Treasure Hunt! The students had to go around the village looking for clues, and the team that managed to find them all first won the game. This time, the Titans were the winners!

lunes, 9 de julio de 2018


4 julio
Miércoles los chicos han estado en clase por la mañana, a algunos les han subido de nivel. Por la tarde tenían libre, ya que por la noche ibamos a la discoteca. Estaban todos muy ilusionados y con muchas ganas de ir.

5 julio
El jueves después de las clases y de comer todos juntos nos hemos ido de excursión a Hengistbury head trip on open top`bus.
Os dejamos unas fotos del lugar:


6 julio
Aprovechando el buen tiempo, decidimos irnos a la playa.


7 julio
Y por fin llegó el día esperado por todos “ DIA COMPLETO EN LONDRES”. Nos lo pasamos fenomenal.


8 julio
Ayer después de comer estuvimos en el mini golf.